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Tips about "Gladiator" for PS3 Motion

December 5 2012 , Written by wells Published on #PS3 Move Silicon Case, #Ps3 Move Shooting Gun, #PS3 Move Steering Wheel, #playstation 3 move controller, #PS3 Move Navigation Controller

The "Gladiator" sport that include the "Sports Champions" PS3 Move Silicon Case game tasks players with fighting their way through three tournaments: the "Bronze Cup," "Silver Cup" and "Gold Cup." Each tournament is a bit more difficult versus the last, and completing the "Gold Cup" tournament will require some advanced maneuvers. By tips along with the right moves, however, reaching the tip of every tournament are going to be easier.

Shield Bash

As your "Gladiator" opponents get more difficult, he's going to commence to blow oftener and more effectively. To get panic or anxiety attack in against a particularly stingy foe, utilize shield bash maneuver. The shield bash is unblockable and it knocks your opponent off balance, allowing you to see through their defenses. To work with the shield bash, press and hold the "T" button within the Ps3 Move Shooting Gun and thrust the controller forward. jklzaeqc 1205

Stop Opponent's Attack

For anyone who is facing an opponent that's attacking you non-stop, it might seem impossible to halt their barrage of attacks. But, if you're quick enough, you can "parry" away an opponent's strike. While the opponent was in mid-swing, thrust the PS3 Move Steering Wheel towards your attacker for a quick jab. If timed correctly, your character will jab at your opponent, interrupting their attack and enabling you to retaliate.


In case your opponent is blocking your attacks and also the shield bash is just too big cumbersome, use a "C-swing" for getting past your opponent's defenses. Start the C-swing by raising the playstation 3 move controller to about your shoulder level. Then, swing the Move controller within a backwards C motion from your shoulder to your knee. Usually when you use this swing, your attacker will endeavour to block high but are occasionally not quick enough to close to low attack.

Ground Strikes

Just try to knock the opponent and incapacitated, you don't need to face idly by while he returns up. Instead, you possibly can attack him while they are vulnerable. Approach the opponent while he or she is and incapacitated and thrust the PS3 Move Navigation Controller towards him to jab at him. Alternatively, boost the Ps3 Move ( http://www.vdealbox.com/ps3-accessories/ps3-move-accessories.html ) above your brain to perform a jump attack that targets the fallen enemy.

Ps3 Move

Ps3 Move

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